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Ying Tao

Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner

I am a Registered Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner in British Columbia and a member of the Association of TCM and Acupuncture. 

For last four years, I have been working in the Windsor Square Acupuncture clinic as the partner of Dr. Liang-Li Yu. Dr. Yu is one of the earliest and best Acupuncturist in South Surrey and White Rock area. I enjoyed working with by contributing and serving my skills and experiences to the community. However, Windsor Square Acupuncture clinic has now been closed and I have moved to Ardour Wellness. It was a wonderful experience at Windsor Square Acupuncture clinic and I have gained valuable knowledge with Dr. Yu at Windsor square. 

I believe that one of the main roles of a health care practitioner is to communicate and give the positive energy to the patients. Patients need to understand what is happening in their bodies, as well as how natural and conventional treatments act so that we can help them to make decisions regarding their health. Permanent results can only be possible if we know how to read and respect the signals our bodies give us.

I enjoy working with people of all ages with the purpose of enhancing their performance in daily life - whether it be in sports settings, in day to day activities or in a work environment. Through identifying the roots of symptoms and addressing patients’ underlying imbalances, I treat patients as positive individuals.

My areas of specialty include injury and pain recovery, chronic pain issues, digestive and GI tract issues, chronic urinary track issues, infertility and gynecological imbalances, as well as ‘unexplained’ fatigue, anxiety and depression management.

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Tags: Windsor Square Acupuncture Clinic, Windsor Square, Dr. Yu, Dr. Liang-Li Yu, Acupuncture clinic, clinc, Ying Tao, Yu, White rock, Surrey, Vancouver, Chinese medicine, 


The previous clinic Dr. Yu and I worked at (Windsor Square Acupuncture Clinic)


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#101 1676 Martin Drive, Surrey BC

V4A 6E7



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